My Life IS the Foundation of my Coaching
I am in my 50s now and so far have had an amazing life of experience, learning, and teaching - one that continues to remind me there is so much more to learn. It is hard to boil down everything I have learned, but through it all, there are four things I will always carry with me.
You have the right to fail and the obligation to learn.
There is no weakness in asking for help. After all, life is a group effort.
For you to grow, no one can "Do" for you. You can only learn to do it for yourself.
We all think differently. Stop trying to work against your nature. Embrace your diversity instead.
Lake Grandby - AN 2019
Positive Psychology
Positive psychology believes that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, cultivate what is best within themselves, and enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. We do this by learning to use our strengths and individuality to create meaningful and achievable goals.
Strengths-Based Coaching
Strengths-based coaching focuses on our character strengths. There is a common language of 24-strengths that demonstrates what is best about our individual personalities. I ask each of my new clients to complete the 15-minute VIA Survey of Character Strengths. You can link directly to the survey site using the button on this page.
We all possess these character strengths in different degrees, so each person has a truly unique profile. I have included mine for your information (if you wish).
When you have completed the survey, please download the pdf of your results from the VIA site and send it to me in an email so we can use it at your first coaching session.
Kansas Wheat Field - AN 2019